God told Moses to tell them "I AM sent me." Notice what God did not say. He did not say Almighty one or Deliverer is sending you. He didn't use Savior, Omniscient, Omnipresent, or even Creator. He used "I AM" because all those other words are simply very small parts of who God IS. They are parts of His character and abilities, but none of them encompass the fullness of who He IS. Therefore the only thing God could say to describe the fullness of Himself is I AM. He is too big, too awesome, too amazing, too powerful, for any words to describe anything other than a very small aspect of who He IS. He IS who He IS. There is no other way to put it.
Also notice what He is not. He is not "I was" or "I will be." The only time God wants us to look to the past is to remind us of who He IS today. When it comes to the future, Jesus said, "Don't worry about tomorrow." God is the God of Today. The God who IS. Everything He ever was and ever will be He IS TODAY.
It is no surprise that Jesus constantly used the term I AM. The Gospel of John is filled with Jesus' "I AM" statements. Jesus said, "Before Abraham was, I AM," "I am the way, and the truth, and the life," "I am the living water," "I am the bread of life," "I am the good shepherd," "I am the gate the sheep pass through," etc. Just like the Father, Jesus constantly said who He IS.
Now pay attention here. We were created in the image and likeness of God. We are ambassadors of Christ and a reflection of God on the earth. We are repeatedly taught and challenged to be like Jesus and be like our Heavenly Father. We Must Be Like God! He is I AM. Am I "I AM" or am I living my life as "I was" or "I will be"?
Sae Vs Metric
1 year ago
Good thought! Something weel worth thinking about and chewing on.
"I are!" Just kidding Tommy. Good post! Keep it up.
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