God both is and at the same time desires to be the Alpha and Omega. He is because of the very meaning of that term. The term "Alpha and Omega" refers to being the beginning and the end. Revelation 1:8 explains it as meaning, "who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty." God is the same yesterday, today and forever. Therefore if He ever was the Alpha and Omega, He also always will be. Regardless of what I do, say, believe, etc., He will always be the Alpha and Omega.
Why then do I submit to you that He desires to be the Alpha and Omega. If He is in very essence Alpha and Omega, how then could He at the same time desire to be something He already is? Answer: because there are times that He is not Alpha and Omega. When it comes to His very essence, He always is, but when it comes to our relation to Him, He sometimes is not. I ask you: Is He really the Alpha and Omega of your life. Is He the first thing on your mind in the morning and the last at night? Is He what consumes your thoughts and actions throughout the day? Is He the consuming motivation behind your existence?
With these questions in mind, I submit to you: God both is and at the same time desires to be the Alpha and Omega. God desires to be the Alpha and Omega of our hearts. He passionately longs to be our consuming motivation for existence. Our reason for living! May He always be the Alpha and Omega of our hearts. Especially since we always are the Alpha and Omega of His.
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